Rachel Navarre is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and Master of Public Administration Program at Bridgewater State University. Her research sits at the intersection of Comparative Politics and Public Policy, utilizing the US and Europe as cases. While her work focuses mainly on immigration policy and politics, she uses this policy area in order to study larger questions in the field, such as how political entrepreneurs use policy discourse and frames to shape political opinions and policy choice. Her research also touches on issues of transnational participation, public opinion, and populism.

Rachel Navarre was previously a Post-Doctoral Fellow the Center for Inter-American Policy & Research (CIPR) at Tulane University. She received her doctorate in August 2016 from the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin.

Her research interests are in Comparative Public Policy, Immigration Policy and Politics, Inter-American Policy, Regional Governance, US Politics, Content Analysis and Text as Data.

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